Day 92

Trim carpentry: Part III. More fronts were being put on the cabinets in recent days. Also, they started building out the drawers and adding the drawer guides.

This trim carpenter does something a little different than I’ve ever seen, and I like it. On some of the shelves, such at the pantry, he uses 1×3″ boards to cover the shelves. The reason you see people putting trim or something like this on shelving is because they are typically made out of plywood. Well, plywood is notorious for having voids inbetween the different plys, so it is ugly if left exposed. But the boards he put up are not plain, by any means. He takes a router and routes all of the edges of one side of the board. Then, he nails them on the ends of the shelves. Whe it is painted, it wiill have a nice detail to the edge of the shelf. What more is that many people get a similar effect from using multiple mouldings around the shelf edges and openings. There are a few problems, in my mind, with that:

1. It adds time to the project, because they have to do each step twice when putting on those mouldings

2. Sometimes, the really thin moulding will split as you’re nailing it up

3. It might not be as durable as this solution with one, solid board. As you’re using your pantry, and we will definitely be using ours, you might bump that moulding and knock part of it off.

 As you can see, they got even further in the kitchen. Most of the cabinets are filled in at this point…at least the skeleton of them is. They are just continuing to work on the drawers and guides. There are A LOT of drawers and cabinets, something that I don’t think we will soon regret.

The under-the-stairs desk area and cubbies at the back door/mud room are taking shape nicely. They are turning out to be everything that we wanted and more.

Most of the crown moulding is up in the house at this point, save for the kitchen. They have to finish building the cabinets before doing the crown in there, because some of the cabinets will tie in with the crown.

As you can see from one of the zoomed-in photos, there are some shelves that will be behind cabinet doors that got a small trim, just so it looked different. I like that he didn’t use the same thing for everything. It will help it look interesting. Again, this trim is just a small piece used to cover the ugly edge of plywood. Even though we are painting the cabinets, the plywood would not paint well on the edge.

Until next time…

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