Day 85

Knots. Knots are troubled parts of a tree. They are where a branch came out of the trunk, or where the tree sustained some trauma of some sort. I don’t see the knots as blemishes though. I see them as unique spots where the tree can show a part of itself. It can show off how special it is and how useful it can be.

Our cypress posts on the front and back porches have some very unique markings on them. Some of them were bestowed upon them by the forklifts, and those I’m not too keen on. Other markings are knots and splits that just add to the character.

I can’t wait to see what character these markings take on when they are stained.


Saturday, we met with the builder at the granite place, to look at some different options. We have one style and color that we like, but of course, it is toward the high side. We wanted to to see if there is another option that we like that is a bit cheaper. We took the colors that we picked out for the interior with us, so that we can see how everything compliments each other.

Until next time…

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